Sunday, 24 July 2011

Property prices Increase in Vancouver because of the Chinese People

VANCOUVER - Chinese lifestyle has changed a lot. China is no longer reflects the underdeveloped countries and poor people. China's increasingly affluent people, not only in his country, but also abroad.

The proof, property prices in Canada increasingly expensive as more and more Chinese people to buy property in the city of Vancouver. Property prices in the city rose at least 50 percent in the last three years.

Su Yi Bin, a merchant, has just bought a house area of ​​450 square meters. The price? 4.3 million Canadian dollars or equivalent to Rp 38.7 billion. Su lives in Vancouver and Shanghai. When he was in China, he wanted his family comfortable in this new country.

"For my son, grew up and went to school here (Vancouver) will provide an opportunity for him to fully integrate with the world, become part of international life," he said. "It's hard to find in China," continued Su again.

Property prices in Vancouver rose 54 percent in the last three years. Last year alone, prices rose 13 percent. Vancouver real estate agent, Clarence Debelle, seeing so many Chinese who do business in Canada. Only in the last five months, clients in China rose from two to 40 people.

"In West Vancouver, not too many homes available. Buyers China seems to require a lot of houses here. I think house prices will continue to rise," he said.

Seeing the potential market like this, Cam Good build two apartment buildings similar to those in Hong Kong and Beijing.

In China, in some big cities like Beijing, residents are prohibited from having more than two properties. Measuring 70 square meters apartment worth half a million dollars Canadian, or USD 4.4 billion apparently expensive, even with the lure of ocean views.

"We have consulted with a Feng Shui expert to the property is suitable for Chinese people," added Debelle. The result, half of the first 40 buyers of apartment units that were Chinese



  1. Dengan datangnya bulan suci ramadhan, datang pula sebuah award ini..bagi tmen" semua, jika tdk keberatan silakan di ambil award ini dan tolong dibagikan ke teman" yg lain agar tali silaturahmi kita tidak putus..award ini hanyalah sebagai tali silaturahmi kita sesama blogger di dunia maya.

  2. Terima kasih sob...saya segera meluncur kesana :D

  3. China has become the economic giant in the world .. the Chinese nation that spread around the world also affect the country's economy, including in Indonesia.

  4. Yup...but also I hope Indonesia could soon become an economic giant in Asia

  5. betul bro sebab chinese ni memang terkenal dengan kepandaian mereka berniaga. Apa pun kita harus memandang dari sudut positif kerana selama ini hanya kuasa barat yang mengawal ekonomi dunia....
